Selling a company


There are several reasons why you want to sell the company:

  • You want to take it easier or retire.
  • You have a successor ready internally or within the family.
  • You have been approached by an external interested party asking if you would like to sell your company.
  • You have found an external buyer yourself and are in discussions with them.
  • Do you want to sell your company? Then Van Eck & Partners is the specialist that helps you sell your company.

The sale of your company is an event with a significant financial, operational but also emotional impact. We know from our experience that guidance and advice are necessary in a takeover process. Van Eck & Partners is the expert and takes charge of the process on your behalf. Together with you, we ensure that the sale carefully and smoothly leads to a successful result.

In practice, the sale of your company starts with an analysis and a valuation of your company. Van Eck & Partners independently performs the valuation. The results offer you perspective for a successful sales strategy.

What steps may take place during a company sales process:

Step-by-step plan for selling a company

  1. Exchange of information and analysis of the company; what are you selling and what are the opportunities? Is your company ready for sale?
  2. Sales strategy; in consultation with you we determine the sales route to be followed.
  3. Valuation / pricing; based on calculation of the figures we arrive at a valuation and determine an asking price.
  4. Select potential buyers and draw up a list of candidates.
  5. Creating an anonymous sales profile; (if you do not yet have a specific buyer in mind).
  6. Opstellen verkoopmemorandum; hierin wordt een uitgebreide beschrijving van uw onderneming opgenomen.
  7. Uitzetten verkoopprofiel; waar mogelijk actieve benadering potentiƫle kopers.
  8. Kennismaking potentiƫle koper; uitwisseling informatie, gesprekken en onderhandelingen.
  9. Intentieovereenkomst; afspraken over overnamesom en overige voorwaarden worden vastgelegd.
  10. Boekenonderzoek door koper (indien gewenst).
  11. Definitieve koopovereenkomst en overdracht.

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