This can be done in an entity by means of a Private Limited Company (BV) or a general partnership (vof), but it can also be done through another cooperation agreement.
Start collaboration
At the start of a collaboration, it is important to think carefully about the motives and goals of the collaboration. What can happen to each other during the journey and how to deal with this is also discussed. This should be clearly discussed and recorded. At the start of a collaboration, the following is generally discussed:
- Completion of the start of the collaboration, including drafting of the agreement.
- What are agreements during the collaboration. This includes the division of work, cost and profit distribution, but also, for example, what happens in the event of illness, disagreement or death.
- Agreements on termination of cooperation.
We have extensive experience with the steps to be taken when starting a collaboration, whether it is starting a general partnership or establishing a private limited company, or any other type of collaboration agreement.
Termination of cooperation
For all sorts of reasons, it can happen that a collaboration is terminated. Causes we encounter:
- Different vision of the future
- Illness or disability
- Retirement
- Argument or disagreement
We have extensive experience in the steps to be taken when terminating a collaboration, for example when dissolving a general partnership.